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Internet ohne Vertrag Schweiz

Contract free Internet plans

We have selected three Swiss Internet providers that offer contract-free Internet plans. Internet offers without contract is for people who want to remain free to switch providers whenever they want or for people who are about to move.

Hotspot 5G
CHF / Mt.
Abo Wingo
CHF / Mt.
CHF / Mt.
Abo Wingo
CHF / Mt.
CHF / Mt.
Abo Yallo
Hotspot 5G
CHF / Mt.
CHF / Mt.

Derzeit bietet Ihnen nur der Anbieter Wingo die Möglichkeit, ein Abonnement mit Internet ohne Vertragsbindung abzuschliessen. Die anderen Schweizer Anbieter bieten Verpflichtungen zwischen 12 und 24 Monaten an. Was Betreiber wie Yallo und Digital republic betrifft, so bieten diese Internetzugänge mit Rooter an, die mit 5G verbunden sind und Wifi überall in Ihrem Haus verbreiten.

Find a Contract-free Internet plan in Switzerland

Today, few Swiss Internet providers have contract-free Internet plans. Most offer plans with a 12-month contract. If you wish to terminate your contract before the 12 months, you will have to continue to pay your monthly instalments until the end of your Internet subscription period. The only two providers that stand out are Wingo and Yallo, who both offer contract-free Internet plans. Salt also offers a contract-free plan, but with hefty termination fees if you cancel your contract after a few months.

These offers are ideal for expats who stay in Switzerland for a limited time. Be aware that with Yallo, it is important to have access to a good 4G connection to enjoy smooth online browsing.

The displayed prices and offers are frequently updated, however, some special offers may not be available on our website.
